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Summertime…and the living is easy

on Dec 19, 2018

Dramatic changes in the world around us are prompted by seasons, and in the Southern Hemisphere’s subtropical climates the arrival of summer is heralded by rains, a subsequent revival and rebirth of the surroundings. As the first drops of rain fall from heavy clouds, the transformation of the inanimate winter vegetation found at Sabi Sabi is almost instantaneous.

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Lush greenery sprawling across the horizon provides nourishing food and shade from the sun, as daytime temperatures rise, and animals seek refuge and rest.  Long balmy afternoons melt into mild evenings, often preceded by a passing, spectacular thunderstorm that brings relief from the summer heat.  All animals are affected by the warmer temperatures, especially smaller creatures like insects who benefit from an increase in their population, providing more food to smaller animals to eat and contributing to the infinite circle of life. 

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Interspersed between the lush vegetation are wildflowers, frequently visited by butterflies, bees and other insects. In summertime, most species prepare for breeding season and the bush comes alive with sights, colours, displays and sounds as creatures great and small compete to attract mates. New-borns gambol about within close range of their mothers, forever cautiously eyeing the world and the dense vegetation that provides camouflage to carnivorous hunters and their opportunity to get ever too close.

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Migratory bird species soar back to our reserve, some undertaking epic journeys across continents, feasting on plentiful sources of food and a place to stay in their nests from previous years, such as the Wahlberg’s Eagle. Aerial feeders are more likely to migrate, and their seasonal travels depend largely on what they eat.

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Although seasonality brings about remarkable change, Mother Nature takes her time over months to accomplish this change, which is far removed from our daily lives where instant results and gratification are the order of the day. Here in the bushveld, unaffected by digital technology, looming deadlines and agendas, the fauna and flora go about their routines and adapt easily to the change brought forth by new seasons.

Whilst animals and humans alike are grateful for the arrival of summer rains, we at Sabi Sabi have the responsibility of preserving this precious resource and we are particularly mindful of the value that it brings for all life forms, and the reason we continue to share the practice of water conservation with our guests.

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Summertime is our chance to relax and recharge and appreciate all the splendour that Nature has to offer. At Sabi Sabi, we prepare for a season where our guests are in need of time away from daily routines and to fully immerse themselves in a rhythm that can’t be found elsewhere in the world – one that is true to its roots, and bring to us a sense of calm, knowing that there is a place on earth that doesn’t strum to the song of mankind. We look forward to welcoming you to a splendid summer season. 

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