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monochrome monday #9

on Feb 16, 2015

“To photograph is to hold one's breath, when all faculties converge to capture fleeting reality. It's at that precise moment that mastering an image becomes a great physical and intellectual joy.”

― Henri Cartier-Bresson

I find myself holding my breath more and more these days as these moments present themselves, but as far as mastering the art is concerned, I still have a long walk ahead of me. I must say though, it is a most interesting process and one that I am thoroughly enjoying! I hope you like my selection of images for this week’s wildlife in monochrome segment. Enjoy...

Mike Palmer Buff Bull

A buffalo bull lies down in the cool waters of a pan, while soaking up the morning sun seemingly contented with his current state of solitude.

Mike Palmer Bull Nigrescens 1

A massive bull elephant replenishes his body with fluids lost from the condition of ‘musth’. I feel the dramatic sky added some depth to the scene to give it that little something extra.

Mike Palmer Hippo

A huge male hippo bursts through the surface of a dam, displaying his sheer size and power. A warning to take head of...

Mike Palmer Ellie Display

A heart skipping moment for the uninitiated, as this young bull elephant came towards the vehicle in an attempt to challenge us. They always run off in distaste of our ‘defiance’.

Mike Palmer Impala Suckle

A very special moment and an interesting angle as we witness one of the primary behaviors in nature, the suckling of one’s young.

Mike Palmer Max Spot

The powerful Maxabeni stops briefly to satisfy his mounting thirst as a result of intense territorial patrols.

Mike Palmer RB Hornbill Nest

A committed partner ensuring his female and young are well cared for. The monogamous pair bonds of many bird species can be exemplary.

Mike Palmer Split Lioness 2

The soft side lighting on one of the Southern Pride females accentuates the features of a most revered warrior.

Mike Palmer Vulture 1

Ever vigilant, a White-backed Vulture keeps a watchful eye on the proceeding below its station.

Mike Palmer Waterbuck 11

Elegant in its simplicity, sometimes spending a long time with common subjects can produce favorable results. A common waterbuck pauses from feeding to gaze in my direction.

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