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Monochrome Monday #46

on Nov 02, 2015

I often think of that rare fulfilling joy, when I am in the presence of some wonderful alignment of events. Where the light, the colour, the shapes and the balance all interlock so beautifully that I feel truly overwhelmed by the wonder of it - Charlie Waite

Photographing wildlife is probably the most fulfilling thing I have ever done. Sitting behind the camera, looking through the viewfinder and watching nature unfold, clicking the shutter button and capturing a moment in time that cannot be reproduced is definitely a very overwhelming feeling.

I hope you enjoy this week’s edition of Monochrome Monday as much as I enjoyed capturing the images.

MM 01

An intent gaze from a male lion like this always sends shivers down my spine. It also makes for a much more powerful image.

MM 02

One of my favourite subjects to photograph, especially when the youngsters show a bit of attitude like this one.

MM 03

I recently had a guest that was enjoying getting “butt shots” to add to his collection. So I decided to take this photograph with him of a waterbuck’s rear end. Most guests are amused by this target looking white ring on waterbuck, which serves as a “follow me” sign.

MM 04

A cheetah stops to have a drink from a wallow. After rains these wallows hold small puddles of water, providing quick drinking spots for many animals around the reserve.

MM 05

A female Chacma Baboon takes some time out to relax on a fallen tree before feeding.

Nottins’ cub relaxing after a nyala kill. This youngster had interesting eyes and if you look closely you will see a beautiful star like pattern around the pupil.

Spotted hyenas often stash kills in the water to hide it and mask its smell. This individual was busy feeding on its stolen kill from a leopard.

MM 08

A wild dog approached my vehicle and stood quite close by, allowing me to get this portrait of its face quite sharp with the rest of the background blurred out.

MM 09

Two zebra stallions engage in some serious fighting, providing ample action and excitement.

MM 10

“That which does not kill us, makes us stronger” - Friedrich Nietzsche. The recent attacks on this Fourways male will only make him stronger.

  • Blog by Pravir Patel (Bush Lodge Ranger)
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