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The real Lion King

on Sep 11, 2017

Living in the world of the real unscripted untamed Lion King...

01Terry Ennever Tsalala 13717 Final

Throughout my guiding career, many people have asked me why I decided to become a field guide. There are many reasons... It started when I was a 6 year old, jumping up and down in my parents' car in the Kruger National Park. I was always in my element in the bush.

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I do, however, need to give one of the best animation films, The Lion King, a lot of credit too. Apparently, I watched it over a hundred times as a kid! I still get goosebumps every time when watching the first scene as the sun rises and a new day begins... in Africa!

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Now that I live as close as possible in that world, I have a new respect for the film and I have learnt a couple of lessons from it...

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"Hakuna Matata" - what a wonderful phrase! One of the most popular quotes of the film! It means no worries and teaches us not to overthink things but to look on the bright side. Something all of us can do a bit more often! I feel when guests are on safari it is the perfect opportunity to let go of all worries and immerse yourself in the wonders of nature.

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One of my favourite parts of the film which I overlooked when I was younger:

Mufasa: "Everything you see exists in a delicate balance. As king, you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope."

Simba: "But Dad, don't we eat the antelope?"

Mufasa: "Yes Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass and the antelope eat the grass. And so, we are all connected in the great Circle of Life."

In the wilderness of Sabi Sabi, we get to witness the great circle of life. It is the bigger picture and something incredible to experience.

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For example:

Every day we watch as the impalas feed on the nutritious grass as well other vegetation. These antelope are often hunted by predators such as leopard, wild dog and cheetah - amongst others. When these animals die, nothing goes to waste as their remains are returned to the soil as nutrients which plants need to grow... starting the whole process over again - in the circle of life!

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Every creature and life form has its unique and vital role to play. It's mind blowing to see Mufasa's words come to life in Sabi Sabi.

10Kyle 21 Aug Lion Stand Final
  • Blog by Chanyn-Lee Zeelie (Earth Lodge Ranger)
  • Images by Chanyn-Lee Zeelie, Terry Ennever, Kyle Strautmann and Franscois Rosslee
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