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Monochrome Monday #24

on Jun 01, 2015

“The context in which a photograph is seen affects the meaning the viewer draws from it.” – Stephen Shore

In essence I believe this is just another way of saying that beauty is in the eye of the beholder and another reason why I enjoy monochrome images. To me they portray more depth to the characters or scene that is being photographed. There is a certain mood to them and one pays more attention to the subject itself, instead of being distracted by colour. I have edited these images far less this week and tried to pick those, which invite the viewer to empathize with each one. I hope you enjoy this week’s selection...

01Mike Palmer Buff4 2

A wide-angled view of a large breeding herd of buffalo enjoying a much-needed drink on a hot day.

02Mike Palmer Cheetah1

Cheetahs have incredibly deep eyes and this male was fixed on something in the distance.

03Mike Palmer Ellie1

I have been enjoying the use of an ultra-wide angle lens of late and was able to put it to good use with this elephant. This big bull was only a meter from my vehicle.

04Mike Palmer Hyena2

A popular view of a misunderstood species. This young hyena was attempting to clean off the last of the flesh and sinew of this carcass.

05Mike Palmer LBC Cub2

This young girl, daughter of Little Bush and Maxabeni, is growing into a fine leopard full of confidence.

06Mike Palmer Max1

Maxabeni, focused as ever.

07Mike Palmer Mongoose1

The inquisitive dwarf mongoose keeping an eye out for any danger and keeping visual contact with the rest of the group.

08Mike Palmer SP Lioness 3

A Southern Pride lioness peaks out from behind a termite mound to test the scent in the air.

09Mike Palmer SRM1

One of the Sand River males pauses briefly from drinking to keep an eye on a clan of hyenas surrounding him.

10Mike Palmer Zebra2

A zebra lifts his head in alert from a disturbance in a thicket nearby.

  • Blog by Mike Palmer (Bush Lodge Ranger)
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